Welcome to Fresh, the next-gen web framework for Deno. This is a demo of using the new `@preact/signals` library in Fresh. It demonstrates how you can use signals to communicate across islands.
Not sure what signals are? Read the @preact/signals announcement blog post.
This counters uses a `useSignal` hook to create a signal that is local to the component. This means that each instance of this ` <Counter />` island has its own state.
Here, each slider is it's own island. However all of these islands share a single global `signal()`. This means that all of the sliders are synchronized with each other, sharing state across island boundaries. View the source code.
Here we have two different types of islands that share a single common state `signal()` to store cart contents. The `<AddToCart />` island adds items to the cart, and the `<Cart />` island displays the contents and allows you to remove items from the cart.
You can use `@preact/signals` in your own Fresh project by adding these two entries to your `import_map.json`:
{ "imports": { "@preact/signals": "https://esm.sh/*@preact/signals@1.0.0", "@preact/signals-core": "https://esm.sh/*@preact/signals-core@1.0.0" } }